Sunday, December 6, 2009

Charging mp3 player?

I heard from someone I know that you should charge an mp3 player, turn it on and leave it, and then charge it again so you can use it. He said it gives the mp3 the memory of a full charge so that future charges last as long as the first one. Any truth to this?

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It's always a good idea when you first get an mp3 player to fully charge the battery, even before the first time you use it. You're basically calibrating the battery so that it will work and charge to it's fullest potential. I'm not 100% sure how much truth there is to this as I've never just seen what happened if I didn't charge my new electronics. But I can tell you that my mp3 player's battery has lasted over a year by doing this, and that's with me using it for at least 3 hours everyday, and charging it about 4 times a week.

However, I've never heard of charging, draining, then recharging it again before using it. Best thing to do, as obvious as this sounds, is to go by whatever your mp3 player's manual says.

Charging mp3 player?funny videos myspace

it is true i jst got my mp3 ipod shuffle 4m a seminar dey gave us 4 free n derr wuz no instructionz so i figured dat out n my mp3 has bin wrkin eva since

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